
    九游会J9资讯 | 九游会J9律师受邀参与撰写The Law Reviews《并购与杠杆融资》(2022版)

    九游会J9资讯 | 九游会J9律师受邀参与撰写The Law Reviews《并购与杠杆融资》(2022版)

    近期,九游会J9律师事务所金融部合伙人任谷龙律师受国际著名法律刊物The Law Reviews邀请参与撰写的《并购与杠杆融资》(2022版)已正式发布。任谷龙律师对中国并购与杠杆融资领域的法律规定与实践进行了全面、精准、专业的解读。

    Recently, partner Ren Gulong of finance department from Merits & Tree Law Offices was invited by The Law Reviews to contribute to The Acquisition and Leveraged Finance Review 2022 (9th Edition), which has been officially published. Mr. Ren provided his comprehensive, accurate and professional interpretation of law and practice in the field of acquisition and leveraged financing in China.


    The Law Reviews由Law Business Research Limited荣誉出品,是全球主要司法管辖区内各种法律实务领域发展的权威指南,由遴选的世界领先律师事务所的出色律师们提供全球法律问题及其商业影响的分析,旨在帮助从业者超越自己,探索外国司法管辖区的战略解决方案,是企业法律顾问、政府和公司管理人员的重要实务指南。The Law Reviews当前已覆盖了全球125个司法管辖区的80个法律业务领域及1200多家律师事务所。

    The Law Reviews, published by Law Business Research Limited, is the authoritative guide for the developments in various legal practice areas in key jurisdictions around the world with analyses of global legal issues and their commercial implications provided by the leading thinkers at the world’s leading law firms. It acts as an essential practice tool for in-house counsel, governments and corporate officers, and is designed to help them surpass themselves and explore strategic solutions in foreign jurisdictions. Currently, its network of experts covers 80 legal practice areas and more than 1,200 law firms in 125 jurisdictions. 


    The Acquisition and Leveraged Finance Review provides a practical overview of the most common structures and methods used to finance acquisitions in major jurisdictions worldwide, along with the most salient features of the relevant legal and regulatory frameworks. With a focus on recent trends and developments, it offers incisive legal and commercial analysis for practitioners and market operators. Mr. Ren has contributed to the China chapter of this book.



    Please click Read More at the bottom of the page to read the English version of The Acquisition and Leveraged Finance Review 2022.




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